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HomeThe Russian annexation of Ukraine and power struggle

The Russian annexation of Ukraine and power struggle

The Russo- Ukranian war began in 2014 with Russian annexation of Cremia, preceded by Ukranian revolution of dignity. The eight year long conflict included naval incidents and cyberwarfare, which however gained pace in 2022 and culminated in full scale invasion of Ukraine by Russia. This ongoing war is the biggest conflict in European subcontinent world war two. As of March 2024 Russia has occupied more than 18% of Ukranian territory. This prolonged war has led to refugee crises and uncountable deaths, as well as violence of human rights and atrocity crises.

Since the beginning of the Russian invasion of Ukraine in 2022, Russian authorities and armed forces have committed multiple war crimes in the form of deliberate attacks against civilian targets, massacres of civilians, torture and rape of women and children,and many indiscriminate attacks in densely populated areas.

Russia and north korea signed Moscow-Pyongyang military ties in June 2023 pledging to support each other in case of military crises and external threat. The countries have increased military cooperation and exercise in the recent months after signing of military ties agreement.

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The recent activity of placement of North Korean troops in Russia raises genuine security concern and speculation about actions from North Korea and it’s Russian counterpart and it’s possible use against Ukraine. US, Japanese and North Korean national security advisors expressed grave security concerns on placement of South Korean troops in Russia. The trio labelled it as a violation of UN security council’s resolution.South Korea has urged Russia to stop its “illegal cooperation” with North Korea and voiced “grave concern” as Moscow moved to ratify its defence treaty with Pyongyang.

Among the questions of security concern floating in the world forums, Russia president Vladimir Putin came forward and accepted the fact the North Korean troops have been stationed in Russia and he further added that it was Moscow’s business how to implement a treaty with Pyongyang that includes a mutual defense clause to aid each other against external aggression as stated in the clauses of treaty. The grave concern statements from Kriby was followed by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskiy statement on X, wherein he cited Ukrainian military’s intelligence report. As per the report shared on X, it is mentioned that an estimated 12,000 Korean troops including, 500 officers and three general were training on five military bases in Russia. However the report did not make any claim about where the North Korean troop is to be deployed.

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German Chancellor Olaf Schol, who is on a visit in India appreciated India’s,stance on Russia and Ukraine ongoing conflict and attempt of full fledged capture of Ukraine by Russia and praises India’s readiness on ending Ukraine Russia war. Amid the ongoing power struggle the German chancellor has rejected Ukraine’s request to immediately join NATO, made by President Volodymyr Zelenskyy when he presented his “victory plan” to Western allies, saying a country at war “absolutely cannot become a member” of the bloc.

True to life talked to an Student from Global studies department of school of international studies JNU, who expressed grave concern on violation of basic human rights and atrocities inflicted upon Ukranian population at large. Malay expressed his concern on the shift in geopolitical ideologies and China and Russia’s undeniable growing closeness and creation of new power block in indo-pacific region.

The UN security council has always been critical about Russia’s action and it has time and again called on Russia asking it to withdraw it’s troop from Ukraine and re-establish peace. The UN has been consistently providing support and aid to Ukrainian refugees and victims of war, providing humanitarian aids. However Russia as a permanent member of security council is bestowed with veto power which it used rightly to block any resolution condemning it’s action, handicapping UN’s ability to take decisive actions against the country. This also highlights the weakness of excecutive and legislative power of UN as an international organisation which deliberately fails to establish world peace. All we have left at hand is to pray for Ukraine and look forward to Russia withdrawing it’s troop from Ukraine and ceasing war, re-establishing world peace.

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Russian annexation of Ukraine

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