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Suicide or Murder ? Policeman and Woman’s dead bodies found in Prayagraj ,UP

On Tuesday, April 16, dead bodies of two policemen were found in Prayagraj, UP. The woman’s name is Priya and the man’s name is Rajesh. This case is of Minhajpur of Shahganj police station area. Where the police found the dead body in the rented room. Police personnel say that “Through investigation, it seems to be suicide but investigation is still going on in this case.”

There has been a stir in the entire Prayagraj after the bodies of two policemen were found on Tuesday, April 16 in Prayagraj, UP. The bodies of both were found in a room. The body of the female policeman was lying on the bed and the body of the same male policeman was hanging from the noose.

The matter is of Minhajpur.
This case is of Minhajpur of Shahganj police station area. According to sources, both the dead bodies were found in a rented room in Minhajpur area. As soon as the police got the news, they reached Turang Waha. Inspector Vinod Kumar, in-charge of Minhajpur of Shahganj police station, told true to life that “After investigating, they felt that it was suicide but perhaps someone had murdered them. Currently, the body has been sent to the hospital for post mortem.” This is murder. Or suicide, currently the police is solving this mystery. Strict investigation is being done in this case.

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Search for Rajesh
Rajesh Vaishnav, who joined the police, was posted in the ACP office. Rajesh used to reach work on time every day. But when he did not reach his office on Tuesday, the police started searching for him. On enquiry, some people came to know about a female constable who was known to Rajesh. To find Rajesh, a personnel from the police administration was again sent to the woman’s room. But after reaching there, when the person saw the scene inside, he was shocked. The police personnel saw that Rajesh and the woman in the room, who was identified as Priya, were dead. The police have taken the body into custody and sent it to the hospital. This mystery can be solved only after post mortem

Police investigation started
Immediately the police team reached the room to investigate. The police are still suspecting suicide from the investigation, but they also suspect that someone may have killed both of them. To mislead the police, perhaps he killed himself and arranged the bodies in such a way that it looked like suicide and not murder. According to sources, only after post mortem will the mystery be solved whether it is a murder or a suicide case.

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Pari Soni , Haryana

Reporting for Trutolife

Truetolifenews dosen’t take any responsibility for this article

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